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61.   Liberal Musings on the Character of the Generational Revolt (October 18, 1968)
The paradox that protest would issue forth from affluent children caused older liberals, such as Horst Krüger, to muse about the contradictions in motivation, appearance, and action seen among student....
62.   Love for the Socialist Fatherland (October 25, 1968)
Two pillars of Walter Ulbricht’s late-1960s politics are apparent in this appeal to the younger generation: his emphasis on the Communist tradition in Germany....
63.   No Ordinary Change in Government – 1969 (retrospective account, 2001)
In this retrospective account, Rainer Barzel, a former parliamentary leader and Christian Democratic candidate for chancellor, describes how the change....
64.   The Third University Reform in the GDR (April 3, 1969)
Implemented over the course of several years (1967-72), the so-called Third University Reform led to a fundamental restructuring of the traditional university system and further increased the SED’s....
65.   Fourteen Intellectuals Condemn the Dutschke Assassination Attempt (April 19, 1969)
When a right-wing worker incited by the reactionary press shot student leader Rudi Dutschke on the street in front of his apartment, fourteen leftist intellectuals,....
66.   Modifying the Hallstein Doctrine (June 4, 1969)
After intense debate within the coalition government, the governing parties agreed to modify the Hallstein Doctrine, which had been in effect since 1955. From that point on, international recognition....
67.   Serving Peace (July 1, 1969)
In his inaugural speech, newly elected federal president Gustav Heinemann....
68.   The FDP is Courted and Weighs Its Options (September 30, 1969)
Despite the poor performance of the Free Democrats in the September elections, the party was courted as a coalition partner. In a meeting held on September 30, 1969, FDP party leaders summarize the....
69.   Socialist Reform Politics (October 3, 1969)
For many citizens of the Federal Republic, the GDR had become something of a no-man’s-land. Written on the occasion of the GDR’s 30th anniversary, this article from the West German weekly Die....
70.   Daring More Democracy (October 28, 1969)
After a change of government that many saw as historic, the newly elected chancellor promised both democratic....
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