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51-60 of 238 documents < previous  |  next > 
51.   The West German Law to Promote Economic Stability and Growth (June 8, 1967)
In order to avoid future recessions, the federal parliament passed a law in 1967 that sought to formalize cooperation between the government, employers, and unions, and to make fiscal interventions....
52.   Rudi Dutschke Demands the Expropriation of the Springer Press Empire (July 10, 1967)
In light of the role of the conservative press in the killing of Benno Ohnesorg, the charismatic student....
53.   Constitution of the GDR (April 6, 1968)
As a symbol of the GDR’s continuing consolidation, 94.49% of the East German population approved a new constitution in a referendum in April 1968. The constitution underscored the socialist character....
54.   Ulrike Meinhof Calls for a Move from Protest to Resistance (May 1968)
To combat agitation by the right and repression by the authorities, the leftist journalist Ulrike Meinhof calls upon radicals to move from protest to open resistance.....
55.   In Support of the Emergency Laws (May 15-16, 1968)
A member of the judiciary committee of the German Bundestag recapitulates the history of the emergency laws and defends them from criticism.....
56.   Protest against the State of Emergency Laws (May 28, 1968)
Hans Magnus Enzensberger’s speech reflects the growing political activism of many writers. Drawing parallels to the failed Revolution of 1848 and sharply criticizing....
57.   GDR Justification of the Warsaw Pact Intervention in Prague (August 21, 1968)
The Central Committee of the SED needed to explain the bloody repression of the Czech experiment with "socialism with a human face" to its own citizens. In its party organ, it argued that the
58.   Self-Characterization of Members of a Berlin Commune (October 7, 1968)
Members of a Berlin commune describe their common living arrangements, their attitudes about money and....
59.   The Struggle for Equal Rights (October 7, 1968)
Film director Helke Sander, who co-founded the Action Council for the Liberation of Women in 1968, takes a critical look at the role of women in society and sharply....
60.   The Breakup of the All-German Olympic Team (October 11, 1968)
Social ties between East and West Germany gradually ruptured as a result of the Wall. The Cold War moved beyond the political realm and spilled over into athletic competition, with each side viewing....
51-60 of 238 documents < previous  |  next >