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211-220 of 238 documents < previous  |  next > 
211.   Chancellor Kohl Justifies the Creation of a German Historical Museum as a Contribution to National Unity (October 28, 1987)
On the occasion of Berlin's 750th anniversary, Chancellor Helmut Kohl announces the creation of a German Historical Museum in the Western part of the city as....
212.   Protest by Dissidents at the Memorial March for Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht (January 18, 1988)
Regime opponents tried to use the annual SED-sponsored memorial demonstration for Rosa Luxemburg....
213.   Dialogue between the SPD and the SED (September 11, 1988)
One year after the SPD and the SED issued a controversial joint declaration emphasizing both sides’ resolution to dialogue and peaceful “competition,” Erhard Eppler....
214.   The Director of the Youth Institute Comments on the Progressive Alienation of the Young People in the GDR (November 21, 1988)
The director of the youth research institute, Walter Friedrich, drafted a memorandum for Egon Krenz, the leader of the state youth organization, the Free German....
215.   A Comparison of Educational Systems (1989-90)
These charts provide an overview of the education systems of the two German states: in the GDR, the paths to education were relatively uniform, whereas the Federal Republic of Germany offered many....
216.   Public Opinion on European Integration (1973-1989)
Since 1973, the European Community has regularly conducted “Eurobarometer” opinion polls on a variety of issues, such as attitudes towards membership, specific political themes, and the future of....
217.   Social Policy and Women (1989)
This table provides an overview of labor and social policy measures specifically targeting the needs of women and mothers. Underscoring the importance of such measures in both German states, it reveals....
218.   Survey Results on German Reunification (1951-89)
Surveys of the West German population conducted between 1951 and 1989 showed widespread skepticism about whether Germany would be reunified in the near future. Nevertheless, there were greater hopes....
219.   Xenophobic Sentiment in the GDR (March 7, 1989)
Although the number of migrants in East Germany was much smaller than in the West, xenophobia was just....
220.   A GDR Citizen's Experience of Buying a New Wartburg (April 14, 1989)
Because buying a car in East Germany entailed a wait of more than ten years, the author of this letter....
211-220 of 238 documents < previous  |  next >