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201-210 of 238 documents < previous  |  next > 
201.   Feminist Politics at the Local Level (1986)
This text attests to the broad scope of feminist politics in West Germany. According to the three far-left members of the women’s movement, who also held positions in Frankfurt’s city parliament,....
202.   Social Philosopher Jürgen Habermas on the Meaning of Critical Memory (November 7, 1986)
In this article, the liberal social philosopher Jürgen Habermas attacks the revisionist efforts of conservative intellectuals. He points out that the identity....
203.   Demand Planning under Fire (January 13, 1987)
Facing increasing financial pressure, the minister-presidents of the federal states agreed in November 1977 to offset the anticipated increase in student numbers by adding new enrollment spots to....
204.   No New Wallpaper (April 10, 1987)
In this widely read interview, Kurt Hager, the member of the Politburo in charge of ideological issues, defends the party’s policies and sets them apart from....
205.   An East German Rock 'n' Roll Riot at the Wall Turns Political (June 10, 1987)
When the rhythms of Western rock groups like Genesis and David Bowie floated across the Wall, they sparked rock riots on the Eastern side. Angry fans scuffled with the people’s police [Volkspolizei]....
206.   The American Demand to Tear Down the Wall (June 12, 1987)
The Wall became the central symbol of the Cold War division of Europe, prompting visiting statesmen such as U.S. President Ronald Reagan to make speeches in its....
207.   Joint Communiqué by Erich Honecker and Helmut Kohl (September 8, 1987)
Honecker’s planned visit to the Federal Republic – a response to Helmut Schmidt’s trip to East Germany in 1981 – was delayed by Soviet objections and only became....
208.   A Difficult Balancing Act: Honecker's Visit to West Germany (September 11, 1987)
In an interview with Deutschlandfunk radio, Rupert Scholz of the Christian Democrats (who represented the state of Berlin in the federal government), evaluates....
209.   The Politburo Gets Briefed (September 15, 1987)
This draft document informs Politburo members about Honecker’s visit to the Federal Republic of Germany,....
210.   A United Europe: Differing Levels of Attractiveness among Individual Member States (September 25, 1987)
The Single European Act extended the authority of the European Community and enhanced its international appeal, yet criticism grew among its member states. The EC bureaucracy – so went a common lament....
201-210 of 238 documents < previous  |  next >