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181-190 of 238 documents < previous  |  next > 
181.   East-West German Initiative (1983)
Pointing to the massive protests against the deployment of U.S. medium-range missiles, citizens of both East and West Germany make a joint appeal to Bundestag representatives. They renew their demands....
182.   A Liberal Intellectual Reflects on "the Burden of Being German" (September 2, 1983)
In a typical column, an editor of the liberal weekly Die Zeit muses about intellectuals’ lack of pride in their German identity, notes their weak attachments to the Federal Republic, and pleads....
183.   The Christian Peace Movement in the GDR (1983)
Responding to the arrest of peace movement members, the East German group “Women for Peace” turned to church leaders in Saxony, Berlin-Brandenburg and Anhalt, reminding them of the church’s special....
184.   The CSU Demonstrates for Peace (October 20, 1983)
The CSU organizes its own peace demonstration in response to protests in many large West German cities. Speaking at the demonstration, CSU chairman Franz Josef Strauß....
185.   Sketch of an East German Border Fortification (1984)
East Germany strengthened its border fortifications in response to ongoing flight attempts. The original....
186.   The Television Movie "Heimat": German Longing – and Loathing – for a Lost Mythical Home (1984)
In his twelve-hour long television movie "Heimat", director Edgar Reitz dramatized the course of German history from World War I up to the postwar period (i.e.,....
187.   Emigration Causes Uneasiness in the Party
(March 14, 1984)

This report by the Information Department of the district headquarters [Sektor Parteiinformation] of the SED in Leipzig shows how party members viewed the growing number of people leaving....
188.   Freedom as the Core of the German Question (March 15, 1984)
In this "Report on the State of the Nation in Divided Germany," which was delivered to the German Bundestag, the chancellor emphasizes the right of all Germans to liberty and self-determination and....
189.   Billion Mark Loans and Humanitarian Concessions (July 25, 1984)
Over the course of one year, the federal government granted the East German government two loans of over a billion marks each. Minister of State Phillip Jenninger....
190.   From 10 to 12: Enlarging the European Community to Include Portugal and Spain (December 7, 1984)
In this speech to the Bundestag, Chancellor Helmut Kohl explains why it would be in the national interest to quickly conclude accession negotiations with Spain....
181-190 of 238 documents < previous  |  next >