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171.   "Divorce Papers:" The End of the SPD-FDP Coalition (September 9, 1982)
On September 9, 1982, Economics Minister Otto Graf Lambsdorff of the Free Democrats submitted a “concept for a policy to overcome weak growth and to fight unemployment.”....
172.   The FDP to Hold the Balance (October 2-3, 1982)
When the Free Democrats deserted the Social Democrats in favor of a coalition with the CDU/CSU, many accused them of back-stabbing a former coalition partner, and a crisis was triggered within the....
173.   Coalition of the Center (October 13, 1982)
In his inaugural address to the Bundestag, Helmut Kohl not only discusses the country’s economic stagnation but also describes the intellectual and political....
174.   Changes in West German Leisure-Time Habits (1983)
From the mid-1960s to the early 1980s, the growth in personal income and the shortening of the average work week made for a significant rise in leisure expenditures. It also created a shift towards....
175.   Education and Social Mobility (1982)
The role of social background as a criterion for professional and career advancement in the “Workers’ and Farmers’ State” of the GDR is subject to caricature in the following excerpt, which also....
176.   The Media Warns of "Forest Dieback and Acid Rain" (1983)
Long ignored by growth-oriented politicians, acid rain-induced forest dieback became a central issue in....
177.   Unemployment Rates of Diverse Population Groups (1983)
As a result of the first oil price increase, unemployment rates rose steeply at first, and then fell.....
178.   The Restrictive Immigration Policy of the Kohl Government (May 6, 1983)
In the face of growing long-term unemployment among German workers, the (more) conservative Christian-democratic-liberal coalition government turned to further restrictions on immigration. While....
179.   The Cadre Issue (May 31, 1983)
Up until the end of the GDR, problems regarding the recruitment of women for top positions in politics, the economy, and society remained unsolved. The following text, which pertains to the executive....
180.   An Expelled East German Dissident Explains the Peace Movement (July 21, 1983)
The expelled Jena dissident Roland Jahn explains to a leftist West Berlin newspaper the motives, activities, and hopes for the future of the East German peace movement, which sought to stop the nuclear....
171-180 of 238 documents < previous  |  next >