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161-170 of 238 documents < previous  |  next > 
161.   Protest March in Bonn (October 12, 1981)
Between 250,000 and 300,000 demonstrators gathered in Bonn on October 10, 1981, to protest NATO....
162.   Crisis in the Social Democratic Party (October 5, 1981)
With regard to speculation about a possible end to the social-liberal coalition, most observers assumed that the FDP would cause this to happen by leaving the coalition. The authors of this piece,....
163.   Bundestag Debate on Nuclear Arms Buildup (October 10, 1981)
The Bundestag debate on the deployment of additional nuclear arms revealed, once again, the range of positions within the SPD. It compelled Chancellor Helmut....
164.   The Peace Movement and German Foreign Policy (October 19, 1981)
In the following essay, Alfred Grosser, a French political scientist and expert on German affairs, examines the origins and motivations of the West German peace movement, which he interprets as part....
165.   Squatters Occupy a Berlin Apartment Building (1981)
The squatters’ movement that started in the late 1970s was motivated by concerns both political and personal. On the one hand, the movement attracted those who wished to protest the lack of affordable....
166.   On the Road to the European Union (November 19, 1981)
This draft of the so-called Single European Act, which Federal Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher introduced to the European Parliament, aimed to revitalize....
167.   Berlin Appeal: "Make Peace without Weapons" (January 25, 1982)
Following the example of the Krefeld Appeal, about eighty members of the East German opposition signed the Berlin....
168.   The Heidelberg Manifesto of Xenophobic Professors (March 4, 1982)
Xenophobic ideas were not just the property of the radical fringe; such sentiments were also....
169.   Independent and Official Peace Policies on a Collision Course (April 16, 1982)
In this telex to the first secretaries of the regional SED headquarters and the head of the main political administration of the National People’s Army, Erich Honecker....
170.   A Plea by Second-Generation Immigrants for Mutual Acceptance (May 13, 1982)
In this text, second-generation immigrant and political activist Elçin Kürsat calls for further efforts....
161-170 of 238 documents < previous  |  next >