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111.   The Federal Republic Halts Foreign Recruitment in the Wake of the Oil Crisis (June 13, 1974)
In response to OPEC’s decision to drastically increase oil prices, the federal government halted guest worker recruitment in order to prevent foreign worker unemployment, which threatened to burden....
112.   The Definition of East German Identity in the Final GDR Constitution (October 7, 1974)
While the initial GDR constitution aimed at unification under Communist auspices, and the....
113.   The Growing Influx of Guest-Worker Children (November 8, 1974)
The federal government attempted to save money by instituting a new policy whereby guest-worker children who remained in their home countries would receive less assistance than guest-worker children....
114.   University Enrollment Slots in Scarce Supply (December 12, 1974)
Starting in 1973, admission to certain fields of study in the Federal Republic was regulated nationally by a central office. This process was supposed to reduce overcrowding....
115.   The Partial Success of Return Incentives for Guest Workers (December 14, 1974)
During the recession that followed the first oil crisis, many Turkish workers accepted monetary incentives to return to their homeland. They did so because they feared deportation and lacked sufficient....
116.   The Federal Government's Counter-Cyclical Spending Program (December 20, 1974)
To overcome the recession induced by the oil shock, the federal parliament approved a massive spending....
117.   The Ostensible End of the Protest Movement (March 15, 1975)
In the following article, political scientist Bernd Guggenberger analyzes the protest movement of the previous years. He explores its motivations and strategies, as well as the reasons behind its....
118.   Environmentalists Protest the Building of a Nuclear Power Plant in Wyhl (1975)
Through media attention, a conflict over the building of a nuclear power station in the Badensian village....
119.   New Poverty in the Federal Republic (1976)
The Federal Republic’s “new poverty” was brought to the public’s attention not least by Heiner Geißler, the CDU’s social policy expert. In this document, Geißler....
120.   Wrangling for Authority (January 26, 1976)
Enacted by the federal and the state governments, the 1976 Framework Act on Higher Education was the product of reform efforts. But like the comprehensive universities [Gesamthochschulen]....
111-120 of 238 documents < previous  |  next >