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Paul von Hindenburg's Testimony before the Parliamentary Investigatory Committee ["The Stab in the Back"] (November 18, 1919)
The “stab-in-the-back” legend [Dolchstoßlegende] was a central theme of the nationalist right-wing....
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Karl Binding and Alfred Hoche, "Permitting the Destruction of Life Unworthy of Living" (1920)
Jurist Karl Binding (1846-1920) and psychiatrist Alfred Hoche (1865-1943) argued in favor of allowing the practice of euthanasia for certain populations. They labeled the mentally ill, the physically....
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Program of the German Workers’ Party (1920)
On January 5, 1919, locksmith Anton Drexler and sports journalist Karl Harrer founded the German Workers’ Party [Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or DAP] in Munich. Harrer served as Reich party chairman....
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Arnold Brecht on Matthias Erzberger's Libel Suit against Karl Helfferich in 1920 (Retrospective Account, 1966)
After Germany’s defeat in 1918, former Vice Chancellor Karl Helfferich agitated vehemently against Matthias Erzberger, whom he called the “destroyer of the Reich” [Reichsverderber]. Helferrich....
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Morgan Philips Price on Workers’ Councils and the Kapp Putsch (March-April, 1920)
Morgan Philips Price, a member of the Labour Party and a critic of Great Britain’s participation in the First World War, worked for the London Daily Herald in Berlin between1919 and 1923.....
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Arnold Brecht on the Kapp Putsch in 1920 (Retrospective Account, 1966)
As part of the demobilization of the army stipulated by the Treaty of Versailles, the Allies pressed Germany to disband the Free Corps [Freikorps]. General Walther von Lüttwitz – head of Reichswehr....
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Oswald Spengler on the Counterrevolution (1922)
Oswald Spengler (1880-1936) was an idiosyncratic conservative and one of the leading opponents of the....