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Arnold Brecht on the Versailles Treaty (Retrospective Account, 1966)
On June 16, 1919, the Entente powers presented Germany with an ultimatum: the government was to accept the Versailles Treaty or run the risk of invasion. The members of the German National Assembly....
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Hitler’s First Major Statement on Anti-Semitism: Reply to Adolf Gemlich (September 16, 1919)
After experiencing the November Revolution and the “Councils Republic” [Räterepublik], the Bavarian Reichswehr Group Commando No. 4, which was established on May 11, 1919, decided to keep....
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Albert Einstein, "What Is The Theory Of Relativity?" (November 28, 1919)
In this letter to the London Times, Albert Einstein offers his readers a characteristic mixture of straightforward yet erudite explanation, warmth, and humor. Einstein describes his theory....