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Hans Ostwald, "All Tables Occupied" (1920s)
Hans Ostwald (1873-1940) was a writer and observer of life in Berlin from 1900 through the 1930s. In the following account, he offers an impression of Potsdamer Platz and the famous Café Josty,....
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Hitler Warns of a Bolshevist Germany in an Interview with The Times (October 15, 1930)
The Russian Revolution had loomed large in the minds of many Germans following the First World War. It provided a beacon of hope to the Spartacists....
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Joseph Goebbels, Why We Are Enemies of the Jews (July 30, 1928)
The Nazis did little to add to the litany of terms already in use by the conservative and radical Right to describe its version of Germanness and its enemies. Volkstum (suggesting the unity....
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M.M. Gehrke and Rudolf Arnheim, "The End of the Private Sphere" (1930)
The journalist Martha Maria Gehrke, who, among other jobs, worked as an author for the Weltbühne and as an editor of advice books, exhibited a fair bit of cultural pessimism in proclaiming....
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NSDAP Party Program (1920)
An extreme right-wing political movement, the National Socialist German Workers’ Party [Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei, or NSDAP] emerged after Germany’s defeat in World War I. Founded....