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51.   Württemberg Democrat Ludwig Pfau on German Federalism (1864/1895)
Ludwig Pfau (1821-1894) was a poet, journalist, politician, and founder of the satirical magazine Eulenspiegel, which he edited from 1848 to 1850. His participation in revolutionary events....
52.   Carl Büchsel, Protestant Pastor, Describes Rural Courtship and Marriage (1865)
In this passage from his multi-volume memoirs, Reminiscences of a Rural Clergyman (1865-), the popular Protestant pastor and theologian Carl Büchsel (1803-1889) describes courtship, wedding....
53.   Lectures Offered by the Women’s Education Association in Leipzig (1865-1884)
Founded in Leipzig in 1865, the Women’s Education Association was like other groups of its kind in that it offered a combination of entertainment and Sunday school instruction. The lessons aimed....
54.   Richard Wagner, What is German? (1865/1878)
Richard Wagner (1813-1883) was Bismarckian Germany’s most important composer and conductor, but....
55.   Butchers, Cattle-Traders, and Jews in Mainz
Due to legal restrictions and prejudice, trade had been a traditional source of income for Jews in Germany for centuries, and this was true even after Jewish....
56.   Louise Otto-Peters, Women’s Right to Earn a Living (1866)
Louise Otto-Peters (1819-1895) was one of the most famous advocates of women’s rights in the nineteenth....
57.   Bismarck’s Diplomatic and Military Gamble through British Eyes (February-August 1866)
In early 1866, the situation between the two European powers Austria and Prussia was very tense. Bismarck made no bones about Prussia’s unwillingness to defer to Austria any longer. To court public....
58.   Prussia’s Federal Reform Proposal (April 9, 1866)
Antagonism between Prussia and Austria and uncertainty about the future geographic and constitutional configuration of a unified Germany dominated central European politics in the 1850s and 1860s.....
59.   "Bismarck is now the Most Popular Man in Prussia": Wilhelm von Kügelgen after the Battle of Königgrätz (July 5, 1866)
The Battle of Königgrätz on July 3, 1866, was the decisive battle of the Austro-Prussian War of....
60.   Bismarck’s Speech on the Prussian Indemnity Bill (September 1, 1866); Text of the Prussian Indemnity Law (September 14, 1866)
Since his appointment as Prussia’s Minister President in 1862, Bismarck had been at loggerheads with liberals in the Prussian state parliament [Landtag] over the military budget and the reform....
51-60 of 249 documents < previous  |  next >