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231-240 of 249 documents < previous  |  next > 
231.   Franz Rehbein, Farm Worker (c. 1890)
In the German territories east of the Elbe River, landed estates dominated the agricultural sector. There, large numbers of agricultural day....
232.   Lifestyle and Expenditures of a Skilled Worker’s Family in Berlin (1890)
Families of skilled workers usually spent more money on meat than families with less income. The table below shows that one such family in Berlin spent between one-third and one-half of its food....
233.   Report of a Poor-Relief Doctor in Berlin (c. 1890)
This excerpt from a doctor’s report on health conditions in a squalid Berlin neighborhood shows the downside of industrialization and urbanization. It also reveals just how urgent the need for social....
234.   Retail Clerks in Changing Economic Times (c. 1890)
This excerpt is taken from a report by Karl Oldenberg, a well-known economics professor who served on the editorial board of the journal Schmollers Jahrbuch, which published the full report....
235.   Self-Described Status and Duties of an Elementary School Teacher (c. 1890)
The establishment of universal education in the course of the nineteenth century constituted an important aspect of Germany’s rise. Despite frictions with the church, notoriously low pay, and difficulties....
236.   Social Democrats Discuss the State’s Social Insurance Policy (1890)
Paul Göhre (1864-1928) was a Protestant pastor and social reformer who spent three months undercover as a factory worker in the industrial city of Chemnitz in order to study the experiences and attitudes....
237.   Telephones and Electric Light (c. 1890)
The late nineteenth century was a period in which technical innovations were becoming available to the general public. Focusing on one family in the city of Weimar, this first-hand account describes....
238.   The Impact of Bebel’s Women under Socialism (c. 1890)
Although August Bebel’s Women under Socialism [Die Frau und der Sozialismus]....
239.   The Sexual Morals of Working-Class Women: A Male View (1890)
In the 1880s and 1890s prostitution was a widely debated issue. Members of middle-class moral purity leagues accused the working classes of moral decay. Paul Göhre (1864-1928), Protestant minister....
240.   The Social Status of Actors, Musicians, and Visual Artists (1890)
As the German bourgeoisie acquired greater income and status, members of that class began reappraising the value of culture and the arts. As the following commentary suggests, this process ultimately....
231-240 of 249 documents < previous  |  next >