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111.   Memories of Sedan Day Festivities in the 1870s (Retrospective Account, 1930)
German unification in 1871 produced a wide variety of commemorations, many of which reflected the....
112.   The Employment of Women: Conservative and Liberal Views (1872)
As traditional gender roles changed, women’s suitability for particular kinds of employment became a significant issue. In this excerpt from a debate on the floor of the Reichstag, Postmaster General....
113.   Werner von Siemens' Enterprise (1872)
A scarcity of skilled workers came with the economic boom that immediately followed German unification (1871) and lasted about three years. As this letter from Werner von Siemens makes clear, the....
114.   Kaiser Wilhelm I on the Social Ethos of Prussian Officers (1879)
The Prussian officer corps was a pillar of Imperial Germany. Consequently, this group received considerable attention from Kaiser Wilhelm I (ruled 1861-1888) and his successors. In this decree the....
115.   Bourgeois Society and the Officer Corps (1883)
The exaggerated deference shown to officers in Bismarckian and Wilhelmine society became a mounting source of irritation for bourgeois critics of the military. Stiff-backed, thick-necked, empty-headed....
116.   The Ideology of the Officer Corps (1889)
The high expectations placed on the officer corps became a frequent subject of discussion in Bismarckian Germany. This 1889 article from a military journal preaches that the army's reputation for....
117.   Friedrich Kapp, National Liberal Reichstag Deputy, Speaks out against "Colonial Chauvinism" (October 22, 1880)
Not least due to domestic considerations, in 1884-1885 a reluctant Bismarck responded to public....
118.   Society for German Colonization, Founding Manifesto (March 28, 1885)
Voluntary associations were an important means of spreading colonial enthusiasm. Manifestos like this one, drafted by the African adventurer Carl Peters for the newly founded Society for German Colonization,....
119.   Aims of the German Colonial Society (December 19, 1887)
To further the aims of German colonization, a broad range of colonial societies sprang up in the 1880s. As this section (§ 2) of its founding statutes indicates, the German....
120.   Why the Government Cannot Ignore the Social Question: A Conservative View (January 29, 1872)
By the 1870s, the problem of “pauperism” – already much debated before 1848 – had been redefined as the “social question.” It received attention from political parties across the entire political....
111-120 of 249 documents < previous  |  next >